Preschool Color Chart

Try using this Preschool Color Chart when teaching colors to your child.
preschool color chart
Colors are very important descriptive words that everyone learns as they develop their communication skills.

Once your child has mastered the ability to recognize colors you can use the chart to help your child learn the color sight words.

Consisting of 12 common colors – the chart features a colored picture and the word for each color.

When teaching colors to children as a parent you should explain the chart by saying – The apple is red rather than This is a red apple. This way you are pointing out the object first and then describing a property of the object – which is much easier for your child.

Using the chart with your child

There are some great activities you can do to teach colors with the chart including:

  • After reciting the names of all the colors, point to a color and have your child tell you what color it is. Then you recite the name of a color and have your child point it out on the chart.
  • Use the chart to spot colors in the surrounding area – for example, the color of your clothes, the color of your hair, the color of a chair.
  • Point to a color on the chart and ask your child “This apple is red. What are some other things that are red?” Get them started by offering “A tomato is red. Roses are red. Strawberries are red. ” and so on. Do this for each color.
  • Print a copy of the chart for your child and let them collect things around the house and sort them into color piles. You can suggest they collect toys, plastic cups, books, clothes, pegs – just to name a few!
  • Using a piece of paper and colored pencils or a chalkboard with colored chalk, draw the outline of some simple shapes, each in a different color from the chart. Then, place all the pencils/chalk together and ask your child to color the shapes in the same color that you have outlined.
  • Print two copies of the color chart. On one chart, cover the words on the chart with small pieces of paper and cello tape. On the second chart, cut out the words (names of the colors). Ask your child to match the color words to the correct color picture on the first chart (similar to color bingo!).

Free Printable Color Chart

Other Color Resources

Color Flashcards – Use these great color flashcards when teaching your child colors and the sight words for each color.

Color Song – This fun color song is ideal to help toddlers and young children learn to recognize colors.

Online Articles – To find out more about children learning colors, try this articles in the Scientific American titled Why Johnny Can’t Name His Colors.

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preschool color chart
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