Phonics Sounds Chart – Word Ends

Using a phonics sounds chart is one way to help a child recognize the sounds that make up a word. The Phonics Sounds Chart for Word Ends provides twenty common word endings that your child is likely to encounter.
phonics sounds chart word ends with pictures

The phonics chart has memorable illustrations to help your child recall the sound associated with each letter blend or digraph.

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How the sounds have been selected

The chart above contains mostly letter combinations that form unique sounds (phonemes) and that your child will not be able to sound out. Your child will need to learn these letter combinations and the sounds that they make.

The chart also contain letter blends. Blends occur when each letter can be heard in a particular sound. Examples of blends include the sounds /and/ as in the word hand and /ing/ as in the word king.

Phonemes: ALL, AY, CH, CK (with the variations for /ick/, /ock/ and /uck/ listed), DGE, EE, ELL, EW, IGHT, OW (as in cow), OY, TCH, Y (as in sky).

Blends: AND, ING, ONG, OW (as in Snow), ST

Why teaching phonemes and blends is important

Teaching your child to recognize the sounds of certain letter combinations is one of the steps to take when teaching your child to read. Once your child can recite the alphabet and recognize the letters and the sounds of each letter, it is a perfect time to start.

To help your child when they are learning to sound out words, you need to teach them the sounds that certain letters make in combination.

Let’s take the example of the word brick. The sounds in brick are /b/-/r/-/i/-/ck/. However if your child is unaware of the /ck/ sound they will attempt to sound out the word as /b/-/r/-/i/-/c/-/k/.

Terminology explained

Phonemes – are unique sounds that are used in combination to create words. Examples include ch as in chain, sh in ship, sch as in school.

Blends – are combinations of two consonants where you can hear each letter in the sound that is formed.

Free Printable Phonics Sounds Chart – Word Ends


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phonics sounds chart word ends with pictures
Word Beginning Sounds Chart
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