The value of exposure to a second language

Introduction If, like me, your vocabulary beyond English extends about as far as “bonjour”, then this article is for you. While it’s true you won’t personally be able to teach your child a second language, you can at least make a start. And...

Learning should be fun!

We hope regular visitors to are starting to notice some themes coming through. One that we feel strongly about is learning should be fun! Why do so many kids love sports but not math? Why were so many enthralled by the Harry Potter movies but not the...

The Importance of Talk

Have you ever considered the importance of really talking to your child? Most parents would be surprised how integral everyday talking is to your child’s vocabulary. In fact the more you talk to your child, from birth to the age of 3, the better their...

Have we got our learning priorities wrong?

There is a generalisation that Asian children are forced to study much harder than western children. Obviously there would be many exceptions to this rule but there certainly does appear to be a lot of truth to it. Some people would admire the Asian parents for...

Why I’’m good at reading but terrible at drawing

For my whole life I’’ve been embarrassingly hopeless at drawing. Even now my drawing is worse than an average seven year old’s. On the other hand, I’’ve almost always been good at reading. I’’ve always put it down to natural ability – I have none...

English errors your child must learn to avoid!

Introduction We all make mistakes when we write. Most of the time these English errors don’t matter, but some have a real stigma attached. People shouldn’t judge others simply because of these mistakes – but the fact is they do. So, here are five of...

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