Multiplication Chart 1-100
We've developed a brightly colored multiplication chart 1-100 that is easy to use when teaching your child the times table.The multiplication chart 1-100 is organized with the factors listed across the top row and the first column of the chart. The product -of the factors is found where two factors intersect on the chart.

For example, the factors three and four intersect to provide the product twelve.
Using the multiplication chart 1-100
Learning the times tables can be difficult for many children. The memorization of the times tables comes down to repetition. If you want your child to repeat the times tables over and over you need to find ways to provide interesting ways to do this.
Here are some tips when using the 1-100 multiplication chart:
- Practice makes perfect – when learning a new times table have your child recite the times table from the chart.
- Focus on one factor at a time – Stick to one factor and ‘play’ with it until your child becomes familiar with it and its products. Remember – committing all the products to memory will take time, it won’t happen in one sitting! You might like to use the vertically or horizontally colored charts for this. Pick a colour and work through it!
- Work in sections – Show your child up to the five times table first. Then work on bigger numbers later.
- Find the answer – call out random multiplication questions and have your child find the answer on the chart.
- Remember – it doesn’t matter in what order the 2 numbers are that you are multiplying; the result will be the same. For example, 4 x 6 and 6 x 4. Essentially, your child only has to know the products of half the table!
The multiplication chart is a great tool for visually representing a number of different early math concepts. Take care to ensure that you only use the chart as a teaching aid, children still need to understand the concept of “X lots of Y”.
Three Versions of the Multiplication Chart 1-100
We have included three colored versions for your use in pdf format: The Vertically colored and Horizontally colored versions are great to use when you are focusing on one times table at a time.
The Horizontally and vertically colored version multiplication chart 1-100 is a good way to show your child how the numbers intersect, and also ideal for memorising squares (multiplying a number by itself).
More Multiplication Resources
Introduction to Multiplication – Multiplication is adding a number to itself multiple times.
Times Tables Chart – try the 1-5 Times Tables Chart as aid for teaching the times tables. Move on to the 1-10 Times Tables Chart once the first chart is mastered.
Multiplication Flash Cards – Flash cards are a great tool for memorization. Use these printable multiplication flash cards to help your child with recalling their multiplication facts.
Multiplication Worksheets – use the Multiplication Worksheets to cover the all the times tables up to ten. Times Tables Videos – to make the recital of times tables more fun try the 1-5 Times Tables Video recommendations or visit our YouTube channel for a range of videos from 2 to 12 times tables.
Multiplication Facts Worksheets – Find a range of multiplication facts worksheets to help your child memorize their multiplication facts.
Skip Counting Worksheets – Access a range of worksheets to develop your child understanding skip counting.
Skip Counting Songs – Access a range of skip counting videos.
Speed Mathematics – read our book review on Speed Mathematics. A book that provides techniques for fast mental math.